Research Blog 2012

Research Summary Fall 2012 Blog:

The research class this Fall has taught me multiple things that I am able to use as a future nurse as well as assisting and guiding me through the real world. The most critical information that I have taken away from the research class is how to develop a research proposal and all of the terminology that comes along with research. The information of the research proposal, terminology and literature critique have helped me become a better student by using the right resources, seeing which evidence is reliable and valuable, and being able to potentially pursue a future in research with my further studies in nursing. This research class has taught me how to pick and choose my resources with allowing me to gain further knowledge on ways to get well thought out peer reviewed articles. This class has opened my eyes to a whole other side of literature, I would have never noticed. This class has permitted me to take my desire and willingness to learn more about how researchers get proposals done and realize how much work it takes to gather all of the statistics for a great study. I have learned a lot from this course and now I am ready to take the knowledge that I have learned and apply it in my A.D.N. program as well as on the job nursing to help patients get the best care possible.

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