Final Project Summer 2013 (Policy Course) – ACA OR HEALTHY AGING POLICY

I have Deuteranopia, which is a common form of colorblindness. Deuteranopia allows me to see numerous colors, however, I am not able to see the color green that well and sometimes I have trouble distinguishing the color red. I am not blind. I just can perceive certain colors as well as normal vision people.  I have chosen the Affordable Care Act (ACA), rather than the healthy aging policy created in class for the following reasons:

Being inherited with Deuteranopia as a lifelong condition is hard to deal with. There are no cures to this condition and I will never be able to have normal vision no matter how much treatment I get with contacts or glasses. Can you imagine never being able to see the color green – not being able to see the true color of nature, foods, traffic lights? I still am able to see green and red, just not as vibrant as normal vision and I have a lot of trouble seeing the difference in the shades of certain colors. Not only is this condition a continuous struggle, but I have had to be educated differently than a normal person. The ACA allows me to express full potential of who I am without discrimination.

According to the ACA, there are two titles of this act that will improve my quality of life. Title 1 “eliminates lifetime and unreasonable annual limits on benefits”.  I am insured and I will not have to pay out of pocket for extra teaching lessons, therapies, counseling, and lifelong treatment. This will be a huge weight lifted off my shoulder because I will no longer have the financial worries about paying for all the necessities to achieve the highest standard of my quality on life. I was born with this condition and was prone to these expenses throughout my lifetime, but now I am able to enjoy life the way it is rather than the way it is not. Title 1 eliminates discriminations which benefits me while, on the other hand, the health aging policy does not address genetic influence on certain diseases and their benefits.

Title 3 provides and “supports a health delivery system research center to conduct research on health delivery system improvement and best practices that improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care delivery”. Many people do not know or understand the feeling of what it is like to not see specific colors. Doing more research on colorblindness and gathering information on the emotional/mental aspect of this condition can help out others who are living with the same condition. Research can also help the health care provider get an idea of what life is like for people who are colorblind and be sensitive to the way they provide information to the patients. For example, using only colors that the health care provider knows that the patient can see, decreasing the glare from the windows and asking how we cope or deal with this condition. With more research we are able to provide community outreach programs that can be non profit to educate people on what we see and how we view the world. We are able to provide community programs that give an understanding of what we are going through based off of research and how to live a normal life as much as possible. The healthy aging policy does not specify any community programs for assistance to the colorblind.

Therefore the ACA benefits and maintains the quality of my life with colorblindness much better than the support from the health aging policy.

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